Category Archives: Public Domain Sources

Project Gutenburg

Name of Web Site: Project Gutenburg


Location of Site’s Right Statements:

Project Gutenburg is an online library that consists entirely of free ebooks that have expired copyrights. The website is driven by donations and the volunteers who help with selection, digitization, and transcriptionBooks can be downloaded onto a device for reading on-the-go or be read online. The site also presents data listing the most downloaded books by day, week, month, and author. Titles include literary classics like The Iliad and The Great Gatsby. PG also contains audiobooks, audio recordings, videos, and photos. Resources are available in more than fifty languages. 

Public Domain Review

Name of Web Site: The Public Domain Review


Location of Site’s Right Statements:

The Public Domain Review is a website dedicated to the collection and presentation of content that has rolled into the public domain. The content spans many fields and mediums, including books, audio, images, and video. Users can browse by content type and time period, going all the way back to before the 16th century. The site also frequently publishes original essays from contributors that have drawn on content listed on the Public Domain Review. Finally, PDR also hosts their own website store, featuring items inspired by the open access objects on the site. 

Prelinger Archives

Name of Web Site: Prelinger Archives


Location of Site’s Right Statements:

The Prelinger Collection on contains thousands of films with a variety of purposes. Some recordings are focused on education, including videos on biology and human physiology. Other films are meant to introduce concepts of safety in case of emergencies like atomic attacks or attempted kidnappings. Other recordings include advertisements, films by amateur moviemakers, and home videos from personal family collections. 

NASA Commons Site on Flickr

Name of Web Site: NASA on The Commons


Location of Site’s Right Statements: “About NASA Images and NASA on The Commons” on the landing page.

NASA On the Commons provides public access to more than 3,000 photos related to the United States space agency. The website displays photos in more than 100 albums with categories like pilots, planets, probes, and unique aircraft. Because of its status as a federal agency, photos taken by NASA immediately enter the public domain. Unlike other public domain sites, some of the images on NASA On the Commons are less than five years old!